Additional Evidence

This is the additional Evidence Blog that is linked to the Anything and Everything blog.
The reason for this is that the Anything and Everything Blog is going to get choked with Jersey emails and Statements otherwise, so this blog is for emails and Statements not posted on Anything and Everything.
That way I can continue to tell my story on that blog with extra evidence on here

Be aware that thiswill be disturbing and traumatic reading. Do not read it if it upsets you.
As ever, I am changing or omitting names as necessary.

I will post some of the many churchwarden statements on here, but not in order.
I felt like I was on trial all the time, with JM, who had always been one for false accusations and judgements, joining forces with the Dean and the Churchwarden couple and Warrens and Lihous.
Instead of abuse being investigated, they collectively tried to damn me to drown out the abuse and their own behaviours.

Thursday, 27 March 2014

Part of my distressed conversations with my friend (now deceased and died stranged from me by the Diocese)

****** *****
To: Anne ******
Hi Anne,
I didn't mean to worry you with any of this,
of course you can't come to Jersey,

The depth to which I have been condemned is serious, and JM is backing the condemnation up,
I really dont feel able to go on.

haha, maybe I have morning sickness as well, would have to call the baby Jesus.

The last thing I wanted to do was let you know how bad things are in my life.
I have been told I am a serial liar and troublemaker,

The things I have been accused of lying about I have not lied about,
my crime is being autistic and not knowing how to live in a grim adult world when I am like a child.
I am not malicious but I am being told I am,
and I am in despair.

I hope that you feel better soon.

I cannot think about sailing or anything, I am too confused and ill.
I didn't even remember to go to college last night.



To: ****** ******
Dear *******

How are you today? I wish there was some way that I could help you - if there was I would do so. If I were well enough I would come over to Jersey and be with you but I am not coping very well myself at the moment. There's no way I could cope with the journey. I just want to hug you and persuade you to think about living instead of dieing because that would make me very sad. You are a very worthwhile person and good at your job. Your employers obviously think a lot of you and the plants cannot manage to survive without your tender loving care. Just think about enjoying the sunshine and the prospect of some sailing at the weekend - forget about all those people who have caused grief in your life - easier said than done but we have to do that sometimes - just cut people out of our lives altogether if they upset us.
*** has gone off to do the shopping and I must get showered and dressed before he gets back. I felt sick this morning - whoops! morning sickness - but It is impossible for me to be pregnant for a number of reasons. I haven't had anything much to eat but, like you, I don't really fancy anything. They are starting me on some different medication so perhaps that will do the trick.
Please take care of yourself,
Love  A 

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