Additional Evidence

This is the additional Evidence Blog that is linked to the Anything and Everything blog.
The reason for this is that the Anything and Everything Blog is going to get choked with Jersey emails and Statements otherwise, so this blog is for emails and Statements not posted on Anything and Everything.
That way I can continue to tell my story on that blog with extra evidence on here

Be aware that thiswill be disturbing and traumatic reading. Do not read it if it upsets you.
As ever, I am changing or omitting names as necessary.

I will post some of the many churchwarden statements on here, but not in order.
I felt like I was on trial all the time, with JM, who had always been one for false accusations and judgements, joining forces with the Dean and the Churchwarden couple and Warrens and Lihous.
Instead of abuse being investigated, they collectively tried to damn me to drown out the abuse and their own behaviours.

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Sent:27 July 2009 15:18:06;;;
I am still waiting for an answer as to why Bob Key was allowed to sabotage my complaint, it is a clear, clear statement from the church that abuse is allowed, condoned, encouraged.

If I had not fought **** off and said no to some of his advances, he could have got as far as sex, **** will be very careful and choose someone very disabled next time,

the church will be in very big trouble, especially because they drove me from my complaint and allowed me to be maligned and driven  from the church community, left my complaint undealtwith  and left me ruined.

since you never met with me, you are judging me on other people's cover ups and leaving me with a bad name,

you really are happy with an abuser running an appaling church?

and leaving me destroyed? what is the point of your God?

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